Saturday, August 23, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.09: "Spit on a Stranger"


Things were going SO well last week until that goddamn dog walker had to come in and ruin everything.  My GeekFurious review of "Spit on a Stranger" is here, but I'm just going to leave this post to a super quickie comic strip this week - the end scene with Annie & Auggie, which happens right after the one above.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.08: "Grounded"

Uh. Oooohhhhhh ... looks like our dear Annie has been ... grounded.  That is, suspended from the agency for lying about her heart condition.  Well, amongst many other things that go down in this episode.  It takes a while to get all the way to suspended territory.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.07: "Brink of the Clouds"

Oh, Covert Affairs.  How you have a way of driving me insane on some weeks, and then turning around and grabbing a impressively powerful grip on my heart on others.  Last week's ep drove me so nuts with B plots that it made the otherwise enjoyable A plot keep losing momentum.  And I just felt like we didn't spend enough time on it overall.  But this week, oh this week ... you punched me in the gut with goodness.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.06: "Embassy Row"

Hello, ladies and gents ... err, no one.  And I say "no one" because that is exactly who's reading these reviews - Literally, no one.  Not one person in the world, except me.  So I'm going to keep this even shorter than last week and just tell a short story in pictures, of the storyline I cared about in this week's ep.  Sadly, far too much time was spent this week on Calder's ridiculous lady dramas that no one cares about, which took precious time away from Annie & McQuaid.  We also got a lot of Auggie juggling two chicks, and Arthur and Joan's marital woes.