Sunday, July 27, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.05: "Elevate Me Later"

I'm not entirely sure why I'm still posting these mini-reviews, because they are getting literally zero hits.  Google doesn't like this blog for whatever reason.  So instead I'm just gonna keep this extremely short and link to my real review at GeekFurious:

Friday, July 18, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.03-4: "Unseen Power ..." & "Silence Kit"

I'm late on the Covert Affairs 5.03 link because I was on vacation last week, so I'm just posting both of these eps together (5.04 as well).  Not that it matters, since I can't seem to get any hits on this blog to save my life.  I'm not sure what the issue is because my CA season 3 and 4 posts on my other blog are still getting hits.  I'm going to have to start linking from there to here now, yeesh.  Maybe I should have never moved them, as this blog is clearly not showing up on Google searches, for whatever reason.  Oh well.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Twitter Has Apparently Stopped Enforcing Its Abuse Policies

The culture of the internet is a fascinating thing, ain't it?  TV fans, are you on Twitter?  If you're a proper TV fan(atic), you probably are.  I've been there for over 5 years now - I joined in 2009, for the specific purpose of the "Save Chuck" campaign.  I've seen all kinds of wild and wacky things during this 5+ years on Twitter.  I follow a bunch of peeps from my favorite shows, I follow several comedians, a few news folks, a few movie folks, etc.

Now, have you ever followed Piper Perabo (@PiperPerabo) on Twitter?  Actually, what I should ask is, have you followed her at any point in the past year?  Because if so, you probably subsequently received one or more spam tweets that look like this:

That is because there is a lunatic troll out there who has been harassing Piper and her followers on Twitter non-stop for a full year now, as of this writing - July 2014.  He has created probably upwards of a thousand troll/spam accounts at this point, and set up bots to send these spam tweets to every person who follows Piper.  These days it has gotten so bad that if you follow her right now, you'll probably get spammed from several of this troll's accounts with the same message.  In my 5+ years on Twitter, this is the only situation I've ever seen like this.  Trolls and dickheads come and go, but I've never seen someone continuously harass one person for this long, this relentlessly.

Covert Affairs 5.02 "False Skorpion"

Covert Affairs, you're wooing me again.  More so than you have since mid season 3, which was my favorite stretch of this series (3.01-11 to be exact).  Goddamnit, please don't toy with my heart like this.  We're only 2 eps into season 5.  I loved ep 2 of season 4 too, and then you went on to give me an incredibly frustrating season.  So there's still plllleeeeeeeeennnnty of time for you to screw the pooch on season 5, too.  Please don't.  Please don't screw that pooch.  It's not right.