Saturday, August 9, 2014

Covert Affairs 5.07: "Brink of the Clouds"

Oh, Covert Affairs.  How you have a way of driving me insane on some weeks, and then turning around and grabbing a impressively powerful grip on my heart on others.  Last week's ep drove me so nuts with B plots that it made the otherwise enjoyable A plot keep losing momentum.  And I just felt like we didn't spend enough time on it overall.  But this week, oh this week ... you punched me in the gut with goodness.

Compared to the scarcity of A plot last week, this week's ep felt luxurious in how much focus we got on it, and it was quality A plot at that.  Even the B plots were really good this week; all of it just really pulled me in.  The main subplot this week was Auggie and his quest to keep Hayley (Crayley) from reporting Annie's secret to the CIA.  And it was thoroughly tense and suspenseful.

And then we had Team McWalker in Azerbaijan tracking down a rogue CIA operative turned terrorist who seems to be behind the CIA facility bombing in Chicago.  And, well, I don't want to give anything away but ... just watch it.  And love McWalker.  I haven't been this emotionally gripped by Annie's plight since mid-season 3.  Here's my GeekFurious review:

In a sense I wonder if we have the location (the South of France was subbed for Azerbaijan here) to thank for all the rich sprawling focus on the best scenes of this episode.  The setting was so beautiful that they ended up lingering on these key scenes that they might have cut a bit shorter otherwise, but that really deserved the abundant focus they gave to them.  Especially the mountain heart explosion scene mid-ep, which I have not screencapped here because you should just watch it.  But here's another screencap from the end of the ep, to tide you over:

Just watch that shit and enjoy.  And read my GeekFurious review.  Peace out!  Till next week.

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